Schizophrenia, Awareness is Needed

Schizophrenia! Is it any cuisine?  What is it? It sounds yummy! These are the questions that I was asked by the people, when I was doing my university research project. Usually people hear the name schizophrenia and it fascinates them. This is quite alarming for the current scenario especially for the teenagers and their parents because mostly people suffer with this problem at the age of 16 to 25. That is a transitional stage and a person experience a variety of biological changes and encounters a number of emotional issues in it. But sometimes it is not identified by the family members of the affected person. In the initial stage of schizophrenia persons thinking ability is affected they cannot concentrate on anything, shows extreme reaction to criticism, gives odd or irrational statements, and are unable to express joy. There are two main reasons for this, first is abnormal brain structure and low activity in the frontal lobe (the area which is responsible for planning, reasoning and decision making) and the other reason is environment that is the biggest influencing factor. Due to chemical waste, pollution, and harmful food substances it runs genetically too.

As the rate of physical and sexual abuse is growing day by day the number of schizophrenics’ are also increasing it is affecting every 2 persons in 100 throughout the world. Viral infections during infancy and low oxygen level during birth are also intractable realities especially in rural areas which later become the major cause of schizophrenia.

Affected person usually use strange words, gives flat expressions, got trouble listening to others, deteriorate personal hygiene, withdraw socially and most often lives in a fantasy world where they hear or see things that they wanted to which is known as hallucination. They become suspicious about themselves when people around them show no concern with it.

To handle this condition the first thing that should be done is to approach the psychologist immediately to avoid worsened condition the family members must have to show their love and respect to the suffering and most importantly should learn “Not to Say No” because it probably result in extreme reaction. Acknowledgement of whatever the persons say or think is important otherwise denial may create hurdles to cope with the situation.

 Anti-psychotics are the primary medication for schizophrenia which helps to control hallucination and delusion. Rehabilitation centers plays very essential part for giving recovery support by training, education, and social skills and also gives opportunity to teach others who are living with the illness.

Besides all this awareness among the people is worthy and is the need of the society. The more they use gumption the more they are capable of understanding and handling the situation technically.


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